Duel Masters


Fan Fiction


KirriCorp League Rankings

  1. samurai
    (Nebula Charged Sunshines)
  2. Sarius
    (Summer Breeze)
  3. Sniper989
    (Vibrant Dawn)
  4. Phantom
    (Sword Of Initiates)
  5. Pradian
    (Rusty Machines)
  6. Ahmed_Tariq
    (Waterless Wave)
  7. Echizen
    (Shield Wall Sanctum)
  8. megaman789
    (Sparks of Brightness)
  9. Nykahrii
  10. AnGGa
    (General Petrova's Aircraft Carrier)
  11. Bell
    (Ocean Of Life)
  12. kai
  13. DarkPrince
    (Shockwaves Of Hurricane)
  14. Shobu
    (Speed Demons)
  15. Ahmed Tariq
    (Gunflame Skycrasher)
  16. Sasuke
    (Destructive Hell)
  17. BlazeCannon
    (Prepare For Battle)
  18. Sarius
    (Light Of Penance)
  19. snarles
  20. Sahil
    (Knight Rider)
  21. Sahil
  22. Outcast
    (Splash Burn)
  23. Rin
    (Chaos Sanctuary)
  24. Sai
    (Conceptual Nonsense)
  25. Mustang
    (Uber Evil)
Ranking List Rules

The Darkness Civilization's Pandora's Boxes

In their search for a new way to protect their fetid home, the Dark Lords developed a new, freakish application of their Soul Manipulation technology. By containing a soul's dark energy within a special container, they were able to extend the lifespan of some utterly freakish beings. The problem, invariably, was that some wandering creature, friend or foe, would open the container, and the life force would dwindle. Also, the creatures did need or wish to be mobile at times, and would have to open their own containers for awhile.

After some deliberation, the Dark Lady Uliya, the Darkness realm's greatest authority on soul manipulation, proposed that the containers be modified to suck in the souls of anything too near, at the will of the creature within. This would provide the occupants with both a defense mechanism and a constant source of energy to replenish what they had lost in movement or occasional 'battle'. The idea was an instant hit, and they went about further construction of their 'Pandora's Boxes'.

The abilities of the entities contained within are highly varied, as are their levels of strength. While they are not 'immortal', in the sense that if their container can be destroyed, they will dissipate, these creatures are amongst the longest lived, 'happiest', and decidedly most dangerous inhabitants of the realm of Darkness.

Images on this page are taken from cards of the Duel Masters™ Trading Card Game and are the property of their artists and Wizards of The Coast.

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