Duel Masters


Fan Fiction


KirriCorp League Rankings

  1. samurai
    (Nebula Charged Sunshines)
  2. Sarius
    (Summer Breeze)
  3. Sniper989
    (Vibrant Dawn)
  4. Phantom
    (Sword Of Initiates)
  5. Pradian
    (Rusty Machines)
  6. Ahmed_Tariq
    (Waterless Wave)
  7. Echizen
    (Shield Wall Sanctum)
  8. megaman789
    (Sparks of Brightness)
  9. Nykahrii
  10. AnGGa
    (General Petrova's Aircraft Carrier)
  11. Bell
    (Ocean Of Life)
  12. kai
  13. DarkPrince
    (Shockwaves Of Hurricane)
  14. Shobu
    (Speed Demons)
  15. Ahmed Tariq
    (Gunflame Skycrasher)
  16. Sasuke
    (Destructive Hell)
  17. BlazeCannon
    (Prepare For Battle)
  18. Sarius
    (Light Of Penance)
  19. snarles
  20. Sahil
    (Knight Rider)
  21. Sahil
  22. Outcast
    (Splash Burn)
  23. Rin
    (Chaos Sanctuary)
  24. Sai
    (Conceptual Nonsense)
  25. Mustang
    (Uber Evil)
Ranking List Rules

The Nostalgic
(the following is written by the one known as Shadow(chats and forum) or Davis Kayos(FanFiction)- currently unaltered)

I can't reflect upon what the DM meta was like back in the old days when DuelZone was on the akatsuki server.
I was just another "regular noob" back then... I used to run a simple Darkness/Water/Light which had hardly any strategy.
At all. I don't even remember if DZ back in those days had any stable rules. Nonetheless,
I enjoyed DuelZone and I enjoyed DM. Most of the dueling I did back then was IRL dueling,
and that too, without proper rules.
After a long period of absence from DZ (through which I hadn't really done anything "new" in Duel Masters.. except play some IRL games with the /proper/ rules...), I came back to see a proper site and everything, run by Phoenix and Grunt.
The meta was pretty weird back then. Every other person ran a Bombazar deck.
The meta was still weird and I still sucked. For some reason, I still enjoyed DM.
Then one day, Grunt got pissed off and decided to leave DM till someone did something about Bombazar, mainly because of the infamous clan war between "The Killers" and "Teh Pwners", in which TK emerged victorious, beating TP (some of the TK players used Bombazar in that).
This was a BIG shock, since TP was widely regarded as the best clan post-DM-hiatus period.
Soon, people started supporting Grunt. Bombazar was taboo'ed.
Now people actually started experimenting with proper stuff... (while some people still chose to stick to Bomby...),
and soon enough, the old standard Fire/Water/Darkness Bolmeteus Control deck replaced Bombazar. This went on for quite some time, with a very strange meta which frowned upon anything 'fast'... anything that would finish you off by turn 7 was RUSH. 'Innovations' now compromised of how weird you could make your Bol Control. Tanzanyte became a favourite.
Soon, slowly, I began getting tired of DM. As in the case of me enjoying a lame meta, I did not have any reason for this. Soon, a person named Bell returned.
Then the KC fanfic lived again in DuelZone. After some time, "KC" was separated from DuelZone.
A new channel was created. A new website came up. A new type of dueling emerged.
In my last days of dueling, all I did was experiment with a Nature/Fire/Darkness/Water variant of Yodaz.
Soon, I stopped dueling. When I stopped dueling, I saw a rapidly changing KC meta. It was neat.
There was scope for innovation. I discovered a different side of the game.
But my interest in the game was slowly declining... I eventually left DuelMasters.
Not sure why, not sure for how long. Overall, DM so far was a fun experience.
I might be back. I might not (more likely).
I'm still not sure why I left, so I find it strange when people ask me that. DM through.. 2 years (?) was a fun experience. I really enjoyed it.

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